Paypal Flash  Buttons

Paypal Flash Buttons |  PayPal buy buttons   |   5 models totally free

Paypa BUY NOW buttonsl

Paypal Flash Buttons

Easy to Install. 
No flash knowledge required. 
Instant Delivery of your products to your customers
Protect your "Download page"
Only allow downloads to people who have actually paid.
Increases your sales Now. 
Protect your e-products

License: Freeware
Filesize: 20 Kb.
Developer: Raul Guzman Veira.


Archives that compose this product: 
5 Flash Buttons *.swf

A folder called Textopaypal

Inside of this Folder::
a. ayudascript1.txt
b. ayudascript2.txt
c. ayudascript3.txt
d. ayudascript4.txt
e. ayudascript5.txt

Download Now
Tested in real sales.
Zip Files contains Help File.


Disclaimer:El uso y consecuencias de los archivos aquí presentados son de exclusiva responsabilidad de los usuarios. PayPal is a trademark of eBay Inc.
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